Mr. Dreyer's—sob—former Classes at the Edwards
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."
--Albert Einstein
I miss you all!
Patrick made on Sunday 5/5!
We (especially Rowan) made on Friday 4/11!
- Worksheet due May 7
- Study the 8's table
- Test review packet for test on Wednesday, April 30. Effort on this is a key to success!
- Study the 8's table
- Worksheet due Wednesday April 16
- Due Wednesday, April 9: ACE 20-24, 39a-f, integer worksheet and Problem 2.1: Introducing Addition of Integers.
- Due Wendesday March 26: Accentuate the Negative Investigation 1 ACE questions 5, 9-19, 44-47. Also learn 12's table again.
- Due Wednesday March 19: Investigation 4 ACE questions 4, 5, 15-17. Also learn 12's table.
- Due Wednesday March 12: Investigation 3 ACE questions 3, 9, 27-31. Also learn 9's table.
- Due Wednesday March 5: ACE questions 4, 8, 12. Also learn 3's table.
Other assignments
- Test review for Accentuate the Negative mid-module test
- Math Reflection rubric
- Math Reflection, Comparing & Scaling Investigation 3
- Math Reflection, Comparing & Scaling Investigation 2
Extra practice
- ACE questions for Moving Straight Ahead Investigation 1
- number line sheet, 4-quadrant coordinate grid and grid paper without axes that you can print
- Positively Negative virtual number line.
- Additional practice, Investigation 1, Investigation 2, Investigation 3, Investigation 4
- Skills practice, Investigation 1, Investigation 1 2nd pg, Investigation 2, Investigation 3, Investigation 4
- Order of operations (Ooops)/GEMDAS
- Rules for operating on positive and negative numbers
- Number properties
Class notes
More problems!
Download Software
- OpenOffice: free office software which can view and edit most Microsoft Office formats (including .doc, .xls, and .ppt)
- Macintosh users might want NeoOffice instead
- Adobe Reader to view PDF files
Other stuff
- 2007 Year Game (printable worksheet)
- Pólya and How to Solve It
- Inexpensive wireless Internet in Boston, currently Grove Hall & Dudley Square